News Releases
HALIFAX- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia releases its ‘alternative budget’ today entitled Responding to the Crisis, Building for the Future. The provincial budget needs to...
May 3, 2009 |
Nova Scotia Office Halifax, NS - Le Centre Canadien de Politiques Alternatives présente son « Budget Alternatif » pour la Nouvelle-Ecosse aujourd’hui. Un budget provincial a besoin de garantir que tous les Néo‐...
May 3, 2009 |
OTTAWA – La récession en cours frappe le Canada plus durement et plus rapidement que tout ralentissement antérieur et les Canadiens sont plus exposés à la ruine financière qu’ils l’ont été depuis les...
April 29, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA – This recession is hitting Canada harder and faster than any previous downturn and Canadians are more exposed to economic ruin than they’ve been since the 1930s, says a report released by the...
April 28, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA—Health Canada’s drug safety procedures leave a lot to be desired, says a new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Drug Safety and Health Canada: Going, Going…...
April 20, 2009 |
National Office TORONTO – The majority of Canadian households enjoy a higher quality of life because the public services their taxes fund come at a solid bargain, according to a new study by the Canadian Centre for...
April 15, 2009 |
National Office (Vancouver) A major study released today finds that BC’s home and community health care system is in serious decline — the result of reduced access to services and poorly planned restructuring.
April 15, 2009 |
BC Office TORONTO – La majorité des ménages du Canada bénéficient d’une meilleure qualité de vie parce que les services publics que paie l’argent de leurs impôts constituent une très bonne affaire, selon une...
April 14, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA—Prime Minister Stephen Harper should take some of his own advice and increase his government’s economic stimulus plan, says a new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy...
April 6, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA – Le premier ministre Stephen Harper devrait suivre certains de ses propres conseils et augmenter le plan de stimulation économique du gouvernement, affirme-t-on dans une nouvelle étude...
April 6, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA – Un projet de loi controversé qui vise à modifier le régime de réglementation des grains du Canada menace la sécurité et la qualité des grains, affirme-t-on dans une étude dévoilée aujourd’...
March 31, 2009 |
National Office OTTAWA—A controversial bill to change Canada’s grain regulatory system threatens Canada’s grain safety and quality, says a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)....
March 31, 2009 |
National Office Authors of a new study warn that private clinics selling high-tech services to screen healthy people for disease could be harming Canadians and placing an undue burden on the public health system....
March 30, 2009 |
National Office, BC Office Halifax, NS The Maritimes experienced an 1800 percent increase in cruise passenger numbers between 1990 and 2008. However, the author of a new Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-NS report,...
March 26, 2009 |
Nova Scotia Office (Vancouver) A new report on BC’s forest industry finds that startling numbers of usable logs are being left to rot or burn at logging sites, at a potential cost of thousands of forestry jobs and big...
March 25, 2009 |
BC Office