News Releases

Vancouver--Forty British Columbia economists and political economists from across the province today called on the BC government to rethink its planned spending cuts. In advance of the February 19...
February 7, 2002 | BC Office
December 12, 2001 | Manitoba Office
Ottawa--Despite its billing as a personal security budget, Paul Martin's budget falls far short of meeting the security needs of people, according to Bruce Campbell, Executive Director of the...
December 10, 2001 | National Office
OTTAWA–Le gouvernement fédéral pourrait allouer au moins 10 milliards de dollars par année à de nouvelles dépenses au cours de ses deux prochains exercices financiers, payer les prestations de base...
December 6, 2001 | National Office
OTTAWA--The federal government could allocate at least $10 billion per year to new spending priorities in each of the next two fiscal years, on top of additional monies required for core EI benefits...
December 6, 2001 | National Office
(Vancouver) A report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives finds that offshore oil and gas development off BC's coast will not bring the hoped for levels of wealth or job...
December 4, 2001 | BC Office
(Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released an analysis today of wealth distribution in Canada by region. The regional numbers, obtained by special order from Statistics Canada...
November 28, 2001 | BC Office
Les concessions du gouvernement canadien face aux grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques multinationales, y compris le prolongement à vingt ans de leur monopole sur les nouveaux médicaments, ont eu pour...
November 26, 2001 | National Office
Canadian government concessions to the big multinational pharmaceutical companies, including an extension of their monopoly on new drugs to 20 years, have resulted in sharply escalating prices for...
November 26, 2001 | National Office
In a study released today the Ontario Alternative Budget says that the Harris Government's tax cuts are the sole reason why Ontario is facing a revenue crisis. The study documents that the Ontario...
November 7, 2001 | Ontario Office
Dans une étude publiée aujourd’hui, le Budget alternatif de l’Ontario affirme que les réductions d’impôt du gouvernement Harris sont la seule cause de la crise fiscale qui menace l’Ontario. Chiffres...
November 7, 2001 | Ontario Office
(Vancouver) Inequality increased in most provinces during the 1990s, but BC held its ground, according to a new report, Behind the Headlines 2001, from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives....
October 29, 2001 | BC Office
(Vancouver) A new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives urges the provincial government to reconsider its plans to open auto insurance in BC to "full competition". The...
October 10, 2001 | BC Office
(Vancouver) New analysis by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, presented today to the BC Legislature's Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, indicates proposed spending...
October 9, 2001 | BC Office
(Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says that if the provincial government cuts Pharmacare, it will be a costly mistake for British Columbians. "The ideas being floated by the BC...
September 6, 2001 | BC Office