Breaking the silence around bullying

With mass mobilizations like Idle No More re-imagining how we work together for progressive, just and caring communities, standing up against bullying and calling out and naming oppressors is taking on an even greater resonance these days. 

The winter 2013 issue of Our Schools/Our Selves focuses on standing up to oppression. Two key articles explicitly look at the topic bullying in our schools, provide thoughtful analysis about the impacts on students and adults, and propose a number of solutions for identifying and working through oppressive situations that victimize the most vulnerable.

Other articles look at ways in which educators, parents and students can and are working together to create safe, creative, accessible and nurturing school environments that meet the needs of more kids and more communities. In many cases, creating these multifaceted, dynamic models of education require a rejection of more corporate, private models of school structure and finance that do little but reinforce existing socioeconomic inequities and power dynamics, as illustrated by a number of important contributions to this issue of Our Schools /Our Selves.

Click here to preview and order the latest issue of OS/OS, Bullying: Working together to break the silence.
