In February 2016, Canada was one of twelve countries to sign a controversial trade and investment deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. But the debate over whether it should be ratified rages on — in the U.S., where both major presidential candidates oppose it, and in Canada, where the Trudeau government is consulting Canadians before it decides.
Edited by CCPA's Scott Sinclair and Stuart Trew,The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Canada, brings together experts in many public policy fields and goes beyond the media hype to explore how the deal would impact environmental protection, health care and other public services, Canada’s cultural industries, labour rights and the workforce, human rights and the democratic decision-making process generally.
Table of contents
Introducing the TPP, Scott Sinclair and Stuart Trew
Chapter 1: Will the TPP be Good for Canadian Trade? John Jacobs
Chapter 2: The TPP and Health Care, Scott Sinclair
Chapter 3: The TPP and Regulation of Medicines in Canada, Joel Lexchin
Chapter 4: The TPP and the Environment, Jacqueline Wilson
Chapter 5: Does the TPP Work for Workers? Laura Macdonald and Angella McEwen
Chapter 6: Migrant Workers and the TPP, Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood
Chapter 7: Foreign-investor Protections in the TPP, Gus Van Harten
Chapter 8: The TPP and Cultural Diversity, Alexandre Malthais
Chapter 9: The Trouble with the TPP's Copyright Rules, Michael Geist
Chapter 10: Signed, Sealed and Delivered: The TPP and Canada's Public Postal Service, Daniel Sheppard and Louis Century