The future of our work depends on people like you

A year ago we at the CCPA-BC wrote to our supporters with an urgent appeal for help. We faced a very large budget gap that threatened to seriously compromise our work. Your response was tremendous, humbling, and beyond our expectations. Thanks to our supporters, we weathered the worst of the crisis without having to make major cuts. Now—as long as we continue to receive donations from individuals—our financial picture for the future looks much better.

Donate to the BC Solutions Fund* today, and help us keep up the momentum.

The budget shortfall we were wrestling with resulted from a wind-down of grants from several large institutional funders. Since then, it’s been clearer to us than ever that the key to our long-term stability lies with individuals who share our values and hopes for the future.

The more our work is powered by contributions from people like you, the more hard-hitting and focused we can be. With a federal election on the horizon and continued austerity from both the federal and provincial governments, now is the time for us to do even more.

Help us stabilize our budget—and perhaps even expand our efforts—by giving today.


*When you donate to the BC Solutions Fund, you directly support the work of the CCPA’s BC Office. Please consider a contribution so we can make timely interventions on the most pressing issues in BC and Canada.

