Hat Tip: The Columbia Institute

A great many individuals and organizations help make the CCPA-BC tick. But we are especially grateful for the support of one of our key partners, the Columbia Institute.

In addition to working together on important initiatives like the Climate Justice Project and the Next Up youth leadership program, CCPA-BC receives core funding from Columbia. This funding has been essential to our growth, allowing us to direct resources as needed to research and public engagement on issues such as green jobs, health care, tax fairness and more. Columbia Institute's support is particularly vital to our communications work -- it helps to ensure that CCPA-BC research features prominently in the mainstream news and reaches thousands of progressive British Columbians online.

Want to know more? The Columbia Institute fosters inclusive, sustainable communities by nurturing strong local leadership, working with shareholders on responsible investing, and building capacity through lifelong learning scholarships.  www.ColumbiaInstitute.ca.
