Partner Pre-Budget Submissions (Update Dec 13)

Every year as part of the federal government's budget process, the budget committee asks for "pre-budget submissions."  Essentially these documents are ideas that any person or group can put forward about what they would like to see in the upcoming federal budget.  The goal is to have the ideas find their way into the actual budget.  Pre-budget submissions can be submitted in writing and/or in person during the fall.  Below is a partial list of the written pre-budget submissions from AFB partners whether from NGO's, civil society groups or labour groups.  

The list will be updated as more submissions are made.

Assembly of First Nations

Canadian Association of Retired Persons

Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Canadian Conference of the Arts (English)

Canadian Conference of the Arts (French)

 Canadian Federation of Students

Canadian Union of Public Employees

Green Budget Coalition

Make Poverty History 

National Aboriginal Caucus of Students (Canadian Federation of Students)

National Graduate Caucus (Canadian Federation of Students)

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (English)

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (French)

