Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise. We propose real, workable solutions, and share our findings as widely as possible to advance social, economic and environmental justice – and to challenge the message that there is no alternative.
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No sooner was Gary Lunn named federal Minister of Natural Resources than media outlets speculated about the role the Saanich-Gulf Islands MP would play in…
The idea that people should be paid equally for work of equal value is not exactly new. It has been recognized internationally since the 1970s…
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. VANCOUVER – The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says the provincial government is once again low-balling revenues, understating 2006/07’s projected…
Speech to the Federation of Post Secondary Educators Download 190.74 KB5 pages Excerpt:“Few public policies pay for themselves, except, that is, for the work you…
BC Solutions Budget shows money is available to improve lives of women, share benefits of economic growth CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver)…
Budgets are normally presented as though they affect most people in the same way. They don’t. In recognition of this fact, “gender budgeting” has become…
Budgeting for Women’s Equality (A Gender Budget) Download 275.45 KB39 pages Attachments Summary: BC Solutions Budget 2006
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) The province must invest in education programs for low-income adults with upgrading needs if it wants achieve…
Helping BC Income Assistance Recipients Upgrade Their Education Download 240.2 KB33 pages
Is minority government good for Canada? Former Conservative pollster Allan Gregg would have us believe in his Strategic Counsel poll this week that 55% of…
Winter 2006, Volume 9, Number 1 Download 1.04 MB8 pages Inside this special edition on labour and employment: The Erosion of Employment Standards Who’s Up,…
Imagine if one day our police forces were cut in half, street patrols were eliminated, police stations closed, and people were told to send a…
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