Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise. We propose real, workable solutions, and share our findings as widely as possible to advance social, economic and environmental justice – and to challenge the message that there is no alternative.
Our publications are available to all at no cost. Please support the CCPA and help make important research and ideas available to everyone. Make a donation today.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) BC seniors face continued reductions in access to key home and community care services, with serious consequences…
On January 20, the town of Burns Lake received national attention when a horrific explosion and ensuing inferno at the local sawmill killed two mill…
Premier Clark’s recent decision to cap the BC Hydro rate increases next year may have ratepayers breathing a sigh of relief. But it’s a short…
Today we released a new Climate Justice Project report, Clean Electricity, Conservation and Climate Justice in BC: Meeting our energy needs in a zero-carbon future, co-authored by…
(Vancouver) A new study warns that mining, oil and gas corporations are putting increasingly large demands on BC’s hydroelectricity system – essentially using clean energy…
Meeting our energy needs in a zero-carbon future Download 3.58 MB42 pages Update, July 18, 2012: The day after we released this study, the provincial…
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Climate Justice, Green Jobs and Sustainable Production in Canada Download 1.64 MB64 pages To fight against catastrophic climate change, Canada needs to reduce greenhouse gas…
Much of the media coverage of the Quebec student protests has dismissed the protestors as spoiled children trying to protect their unfair privilege (Quebec has…
The BC government wants you to shut up during the next election. That’s the message that emerges when you read between the lines of its…
Much has been written of late about the costs of inequality — the social and health costs, the costs to democracy and social cohesion, and…
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