Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise. We propose real, workable solutions, and share our findings as widely as possible to advance social, economic and environmental justice – and to challenge the message that there is no alternative.
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In the fight against climate change, few natural assets are as important as forests. Healthy living trees store enormous amounts of atmospheric carbon. The same is…
The 2010 Winter Games are almost upon us. In Vancouver, banners are dropping down the sides of downtown buildings; huge tents are being erected anywhere…
BC’s modest tree-planting goals are falling far short of the need Few events offer as compelling an example of what climate change may mean for…
As we prepare to cheer for our athletes during the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic games, it’s worth remembering the fields in which BC isn’t going… Mountain pine beetle attacks have decimated BC’s pine forests, seriously damaging their ability to store carbon and protect against global warming. An effective response…
Carbon Storage, Sustainable Jobs and Conservation Download 1.68 MB61 pages Attachments Managing BC’s Forests for a Cooler Planet SUMMARY
Vancouver — Forest industry unions and leading environmental groups have united behind a plan that calls on the BC government to conserve more forest, halt…
Many will have heard Premier Gordon Campbell and his cabinet colleagues talk in glowing terms about public private partnerships (P3s) for major projects like hospitals,…
Download 360.96 KB 38 pages The idea of a guaranteed income (sometimes referred to as guaranteed annual income or GAI) has a long and respectable…
Fall 2009, Volume 12, Number 3 Download 2.52 MB8 pages Inside this issue: BC and the HST Should We be Afraid of the Government Debt?…
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Vancouver-The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling on the BC government to reverse all cuts to public programs and/or…
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