Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise. We propose real, workable solutions, and share our findings as widely as possible to advance social, economic and environmental justice – and to challenge the message that there is no alternative.
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A Regional Analysis of BC’s Tax and Spending Cuts Download 185.28 KB 22 pages
Study shows provincial tax and spending cuts are increasing gap between Lower Mainland and BC’s other regions READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. (Vancouver) A new…
As the Bush administration increases its propaganda campaign for war against Iraq, hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated in the United States, Canada, and…
For several years now, many observers of the BC economy have noted a split between the highly diversified and populous Lower Mainland (plus Victoria) and…
Winter 2003, Volume 6, Number 1 Download 570.16 KB4 pages Inside this issue: Beyond the Staples Economy BC Exports Raw Logs, Jobs and Revenue
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. OTTAWA–Canadians may view their country as a land of opportunity, but it is also a land of deep and abiding…
Wealth Inequality in Canada Download 361.61 KB68 pages Attachments Upstairs, Downstairs and in Between: The Assets and Debts of British Columbians BC Home to Greatest…
The provincial government has just announced a major transformation of ferry services, promising better service, better access to capital for needed improvements, all without any…
A year and a half into BC’s New Era, the impact of the government’s legislative agenda is starting to be felt in communities across the…
The Politics and Economics of Raw Log Exports Download 156.84 KB8 pages
Increasing exports will undermine battered North Coast economy, says think tank READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Vancouver–The BC government is forfeiting hundreds of jobs and…
(OTTAWA) International trade agreements and other market-driven reforms in recent years have stripped nation-states of many tools to implement the activist industrial policies needed to…
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