Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise. We propose real, workable solutions, and share our findings as widely as possible to advance social, economic and environmental justice – and to challenge the message that there is no alternative.
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The Impact of BC’s New Third-Party Advertising Rules on Social Movement Groups Download Attachments: CCPA-BC_Chill_Effect_SUMMARY.pdf
(Vancouver) A new study finds that BC’s third party advertising rules caused extensive problems for “small spenders” such as non-profits and charities during the 2009…
Attachments Climate Justice, Green Jobs and Sustainable Production in BC – SUMMARY
Today the CCPA released a new report by myself and Ken Carlaw, an economist at UBC-Okanagan, that looks at industrial and employment strategies the BC…
CCPA-BC Recommendations to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Download 250.15 KB8 pages On September 15, researcher Iglika Ivanova presented CCPA-BC’s recommendations…
Fall 2010, Volume 13, Number 3 Download 1.28 MB8 pages Inside this issue: Unpacking the Housing Numbers: How Much New Social Housing is BC Building?…
Ministry’s own service plans show few net new units since 2006 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) A new report shows that despite…
How Much New Social Housing is BC Building? Download 559.16 KB12 pages
If the 492 Tamil asylum-seekers who recently arrived by boat on BC’s shores are “queue-jumpers”, then I guess my parents were too. They came as…
Help First, Not Work First Download 624.71 KB 28 pages Welfare “reform” in BC has made it more difficult to qualify for welfare, and many…
The recent unilateral decision by the federal government to spend up to $16 billion on the purchase and maintenance of new fighter jets is both…
Based primarily on the creation of a carbon tax two years ago, the BC government has been propelled into the position of North American climate…
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