Since forming in 1997, the Manitoba Office has established a reputation for working in collaboration with the community to conduct quality research that advances social justice and environmental sustainability.
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This book examines the social and economic conditions that contribute to health inequities in our province. The purpose of this book is to make the…
What we know about health inequity in Manitoba and what we can do about it Why are some people, and more particularly some groupings of…
On May 12 EPC unanimously voted to accept a report prepared by Winnipeg Public Services. The Report recommends that the City award a contract to…
Migrant farm workers need access to public healthcare As spring unfolds in southern Manitoba, we will soon see more than migratory birds arriving. Over 400…
Everyone benefits from increase Recently the Brandon Sun published an article and two editorials relating to Labour Minister Jennifer Howard’s announcement that the minimum wage…
tous profiteront de l’augmentation Récemment, le Sun de Brandon publiait un article et deux éditoriaux en réaction à l’annonce de la ministre du Travail et…
No one can envy Minister Wowchuk’s job of delivering this year’s budget. As we work our way through the “great recession” the budget will face…
A message from the people As the Manitoba government prepares for this year’s budget, the air of equanimity evident in last year’s budgetary deliberations has…
Have our politicians learned nothing from past mistakes? On February 17, 2010, the Mayor’s Executive Policy Committee (EPC) passed a motion to provide a grant…
les familles manitobaines travaillent dur juste pour faire du sur place En mars 2007, le bureau national du CCPA publiait un rapport sur l’inégalité des…
Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons observé une augmentation spectaculaire des inégalités de revenu, qui ont fait en sorte que les gains de la…
Reducing Canada’s income inequalities In recent decades we’ve seen a dramatic increase in income inequality, which has concentrated the gains from economic growth in the…
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