About TIRP

The Trade and Investment Research Project (TIRP) is administered by the CCPA but pools the resources and expertise of Canadian academics and non-governmental organizations from a variety of sectors. TIRP produces expert research on a wide range of matters related to international trade and investment treaties and globalization.

The project's research is intended to help TIRP members and the general public to participate in public debate and decision-making about Canada’s international trade and investment policy. TIRP has gained a national and international reputation for rigorous, accessible studies critical of corporate-driven globalization and for its commitment to exploring practical alternatives.

Current research priority areas include the trade implications of a Global Green New Deal, trade and gender, trade and labour, investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS), and trade-based regulatory co-operation.

Supporting/participating organizations

ATTAC Québéc

Blue Green Canada

Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)

Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

Canadian Federation of Students

Canadian Health Coalition

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

Climate Action Network – Réseau action climat Canada

Council of Canadians

MiningWatch Canada

National Farmers Union (NFU)

National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Réseau québécois pour une mondialisation inclusive (RQMI)

Trade Justice Network


USW Canada