BC Commentary: A Review of Provincial Social and Economic Trends

FAll 2012, Volume 15, Number 3
September 14, 2012
1.13 MB8 pages

Inside this issue:

  • Better seniors care a solution to overcrowded hospitals and surgery wait times by Marcy Cohen
  • Subsidizing dirty industries with expensive clean electricity is a recipe for major rate hikes by John Calvert and Marc Lee
  • Clean electricity and climate justice update by John Calvert and Marc Lee
  • Liquefied natural gas projects make no sense by Ben Parfitt
  • New BC welfare rules: Some positive steps forward (and a couple steps back) by Seth Klein
  • The case for exempting child support from welfare by Kendra Milne
  • Metro Vancouver living wage in 2012: $19.14/hour by Iglika Ivanova and Seth Klein