The Devil is in the Details

The TPP’s Impact on the Canadian Automotive Industry
July 7, 2016
732.76 KB26 pages

This study examines the potential impacts of the TPP on the Canadian automotive sector. The authors analyze the TPP’s detailed provisions governing tariffs, rules of origin and regional content. Canada’s far more rapid phase-out of vehicle import tariffs will favour locating new assembly invest­ment and reinvestment in the U.S. rather than Canada.

Meanwhile, growth in Canadian vehicle exports to markets outside North Amer­ica will be limited at best. Small and medium-sized Canadian parts makers will face increased competitive pressure from parts produced in low-cost, non-TPP coun­tries due to the TPP’s weaker rules of origin for both vehicles and parts. The study concludes that the overall consequences for automotive production and employ­ment in Canada will likely be negative. 
