Nova Scotia Alternative Budget 2017

Building Green, Inclusive, Thriving Communities
April 20, 2017
1.16 MB56 pages

This year's Nova Scotia Alternative Budget is being released a week in advance of the current government’s tabling what is likely to be its last provincial budget before it calls an election. It is thus timely to hold the government to account for the choices it has made over its mandate.

The NS government claims that it can make no new significant public expenditures because we are living beyond our means, and thus any investment must come at the cost of something else—but this zero-sum argument is merely a tactic to avoid governing in the public interest, which would mean alienating the elites who have controlled the political agenda for far too long.

The Nova Scotia Alternative Budget 2017 exposes the extent to which the current government has been too short-sighted, and is framed to show choices that are the best ones for the public interest—those that benefit the many and not the few, in the short and long term, and to show that costs can be fairly shared through a progressive income tax system based on ability to pay.
