Pat Armstrong * Sheila Copps * Eve-Lyne Couturier * Shelagh Day * Jane Doe * Martha Friendly * Josephine Grey * Michele Landsberg * Heather Mallick * Alexa McDonough * Chi Nguyen * Lana Payne * Shannon Phillips * Elizabeth Quinlan * Qianru She * Judy Rebick * Heather-jane Robertson * Laurel Rothman * Paulette Senior * Priscilla Settee * Uzma Shakir * Elizabeth Sheehy * Marit Stiles * Armine Yalnizyan * Nancy Ruth
The right to equality. The right to speak out.
In this powerful anthology, Canadian women — smart and accomplished leaders in their fields — speak truth to power. Their essays root women’s struggle for equality in its historical context and remind us that, despite the gains that have been made, the struggle is still far from being won.
These feminists don’t take for granted the advances women have made over the past century: the right to vote, to get an education, to earn a living, the right to lead and the right to choose. They know that other important rights – such as wage parity and a national child care program — have yet to be achieved.
They are also painfully aware that the gains women have made are not secure — that anti-feminist forces continually strive to undermine them. The authors of the essays in this book urge the women’s movement to renew and strengthen its fight for economic, social, and political parity. They refuse to be silenced.
Together, their outspoken declarations form a manifesto that infuses the women of Canada with fresh purpose and resolve. Speaking Truth to Power is a book that feminists — male as well as female — will treasure as a rich source of inspiration, hope, and motivation.