Reports & Studies
Welcome to our complete catalogue of reports and studies (which includes backgrounders, policy briefs, full-length research reports and books).
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The Impact of BC's New Third Party Advertising Rules on Social Movement Groups
by Shannon Daub, Heather Whiteside
October 6, 2010 |
BC Office
by Marc Lee, Kenneth I. Carlaw
September 30, 2010 |
BC Office
A reader on Canadian women's inequality
edited by Trish Hennessy, Ed Finn
September 29, 2010 |
National Office
Perspectives from Youth-Serving Agencies
by Amelia Curran, Evan Bowness, Elizabeth Comack
September 29, 2010 |
Manitoba Office
Fall 2010, Volume 13, Number 3
CCPA-BC Recommendations to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
by Iglika Ivanova
September 15, 2010 |
BC Office
Costs and benefits of publicly funded drug coverage for all Canadians
by Marc-André Gagnon, Guillaume Hébert
September 13, 2010 |
National Office
Coûts et bénéfices d’une couverture publique pour tous
by Marc-André Gagnon, Guillaume Hébert
September 13, 2010 |
National Office
How Much New Social Housing is BC Building?
by Seth Klein, Lorraine Copas
September 13, 2010 |
BC Office
2010 Alternative Municipal Budget
September 9, 2010 |
Manitoba Office
An Accident Waiting to Happen
by David Macdonald
August 31, 2010 |
National Office
by Owen Toews
August 25, 2010 |
Manitoba Office
The Chilly Climates of the Global Environmental Dilemma
by L. Anders Sandberg, Tor Sandberg
August 1, 2010 |
National Office
Help First, Not Work First
by Shauna Butterwick
July 26, 2010 |
BC Office