Reports & Studies

Welcome to our complete catalogue of reports and studies (which includes backgrounders, policy briefs, full-length research reports and books). 

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Alternative Municipal Budget 2022

edited by Niall Harney
May 10, 2022 | Manitoba Office

Will provinces and territories meet the new federal child care fee targets? Canadian child care fees 2021

by David Macdonald, Martha Friendly
May 10, 2022 | National Office

Submission to the House of Commons HUMA committee

by Katherine Scott
May 9, 2022 | National Office

May 6, 2022 | Nova Scotia Office

Declining real wages and rising inflation in Canada during the pandemic, 2020–22

by David Macdonald
April 13, 2022 | National Office

Learning lessons for disaster preparedness in Nova Scotia

by Jeff Karabanow, Kaitrin Doll, Catherine Leviten-Reid, Jean Hughes, Haorui Wu
April 6, 2022 | Nova Scotia Office

Évaluation des répercussions sur le marché du travail de la hausse du salaire minimum en Ontario en 2018

by Sheila Block, Grace-Edward Galabuzi
April 5, 2022 | Ontario Office

Assessing the labour market impacts of Ontario’s 2018 minimum wage increase

by Sheila Block, Grace-Edward Galabuzi
April 5, 2022 | Ontario Office

État des déficits des provinces canadiennes

by David Macdonald
March 21, 2022 | National Office

Examining Bill 71

by Micah Zerbe
March 15, 2022 | Manitoba Office

An Update for Workers, Lower-income Households and Allied Organizations

by Jesse Hajer
March 14, 2022 | Manitoba Office

The state of provincial deficits in Canada

by David Macdonald
March 10, 2022 | National Office

by Lila Asher, Sarah Cooper, Shauna MacKinnon, Owen Toews, Kayla Villebrun-Normand
February 23, 2022 | Manitoba Office