Some myths are just so hard to debunk. For instance, people in Québec generally assume that they are the most taxed in…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Canada’s economy is experiencing a “carbon bubble” that could have significant consequences for Canada’s financial…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT Halifax—The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia releases its 12th annual Alternative Provincial Budget today. Strengthening…
One of the most amazing things about this budget is that one of its three focuses is actually the opposite of what…
The Finance Minister got a new pair of shoes. Canadians got a new federal budget. And women in Canada got another haircut.…
An Alternative Economic Path for Newfoundland and Labrador Download 1.33 MB 52 pages This report finds that public spending cuts could deeply…
It’s hard to get excited about Thursday’s federal budget. All signs point to an “austerity” budget, even though that approach has failed…
In 2013, for the first time in Canadian history, retirees will outnumber young people entering the workforce. Immigration is a sensible way…
Alternative Budget plan tackles Canadians’ real concerns CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) warns…
<Click here to download this fact sheet in English (PDF)> <Haga clic aquí para ver la versión española (PDF)> <Click here to…
L’élimination de l’écart salarial entre les sexes transformerait notre monde pour le mieux, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes. Imaginez…
Devastating drone attacks on Pathans completely unjustified Much has been written and broadcast in the Western media about U.S. drone attacks in…