“A million workers working for nothing, you better give ‘em what they really own. Power to the people, power to the people,…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Accelerated oil and gas extraction will boost profits but won’t drive major employment gains, says…
Slowly, stealthily, progressive state is being dismantled Most Canadians, according to one poll at least, did not much like the recent federal…
The BC government wants you to shut up during the next election. That’s the message that emerges when you read between the…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—The total number of federal core public service job losses over the next three years…
How modern motherhood undermines the status of women Book Review: The Conflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women; by Elisabeth…
The Alberta/Canada Model vs. the Norwegian model The post-2000 petroleum-led resource boom is substantially reshaping the Canadian economy. It has driven up…
The Scandanavian Example In a recent posting on this site – “Thinking Alternatives” we suggested that the Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Finland,…
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“It’s time for the public sector to have its 2008 recession,” proclaimed former RBC Chief Economist Patty Croft, impeccably dressed and looking admirably well-rested…
On the surface, the Shafia murder case doesn’t look like a “political” issue at all. The horrifying killing of four innocent women…
As more and more raw, unprocessed logs leave British Columbia’s coast in ocean freighters bound for the far side of the world,…