U.S. and China’s rivalry over Africa’s riches intensifies In my report on France’s invasion of Mali published in the March issue of…
BC has acquired the “distinction” of being home to Canada’s largest income gap, highest poverty rate, and second highest child poverty rate. …
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Without a change in public policy, Canada’s gender gap won’t go away anytime soon, says…
<Click here to download this fact sheet (PDF)> Affordable Housing Options for Seniors Living in BC Introduction BC’s provincial government has said…
An oped based on my and Brock Ellis’ recent report, Canada’s Carbon Liabilities, was published in iPolitics (alas, behind a pay wall): Canada’s economic development…
28,700 federal public service jobs to be cut by 2016 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Despite assurances by the federal…
The following is based on a talk at the Bring Your Boomers election forum on April 3 at the Rio Theatre in Vancouver, the…
Canada’s war industries flog their wares at big arms bazaar The glittering opulence and sheer pageantry of the Middle East’s largest arms…
Some myths are just so hard to debunk. For instance, people in Québec generally assume that they are the most taxed in…
The comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA), now in the final stage of negotiations between Canada and the European Union, presents Canadians…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Canada’s economy is experiencing a “carbon bubble” that could have significant consequences for Canada’s financial…
One of the most amazing things about this budget is that one of its three focuses is actually the opposite of what…