Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood
The climate crisis is a problem too big for anyone to solve on their own.
Shift Storm newsletter—June 2023 edition
New federal just transition legislation falls short on support for workers and communities
Shift Storm newsletter—May 2023 edition
The 2023 federal budget goes puts the market at the forefront of climate solutions—at our own peril
Shift Storm newsletter—April 2023 edition
For a climate transition to be a just transition, it needs to follow some principles.
Don’t Wait for the State: A blueprint for grassroots climate transitions in Canada offers a framework for communities to organize around the idea of an inclusive…
The climate transition is urgent—and it’s increasingly clear that governments aren’t acting fast enough. How can communities, workers, and movements directly implement a transition? Download…
The climate transition is urgent—and it’s increasingly clear that governments aren’t acting fast enough. How can communities, workers, and movements directly implement a transition?
We’re not expecting many bells and whistles in this federal budget. It doesn’t need to be that way.
Shift Storm newsletter—March 2023 edition
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