Marc Lee
Premier Clark’s recent decision to cap the BC Hydro rate increases next year may have ratepayers breathing a sigh of relief. But it’s a short…
Today we released a new Climate Justice Project report, Clean Electricity, Conservation and Climate Justice in BC: Meeting our energy needs in a zero-carbon future, co-authored by…
Meeting our energy needs in a zero-carbon future Download 3.58 MB42 pages Update, July 18, 2012: The day after we released this study, the provincial…
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Climate Justice, Green Jobs and Sustainable Production in Canada Download 1.64 MB64 pages To fight against catastrophic climate change, Canada needs to reduce greenhouse gas…
Most British Columbians would agree that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes. And most assume that the wealthy pay more, not only in…
We live on a different planet from the one our parents grew up on, says environmentalist Bill McKibben. Climate change from our rampant combustion of…
I have an oped in today’s Vancouver Sun as part of its BC in 2035 series. Climate change will shape BC in 2035, one way or another…
First off, the 2012 federal budget makes no upfront claim to be a budget. Indeed, the cover states only “Economic Action Plan 2012: Jobs, Growth…
We released today a report by yours truly on the economic costs and benefits of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. In particular, I take aim at the…
The Economic Costs and Benefits of the Proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline Download 1.9 MB28 pages Attachments Enbridge Pipe Dreams and Nightmares — SUMMARY
With the spotlight on the federal government’s aggressive push to export tar sands bitumen via the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline to Kitimat, and from there…
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