Get the facts: Child care isn't there to force you to have "other people raise [your] children"

In spring 2009 we dedicated an entire issue of Our Schools / Our Selves to the topic of child care in Canada, and over a year later Beyond Child’s Play: Caring for and educating young children in Canada remains one of the most detailed, up-to-date and thorough publications on the subject. It brings together Canada’s leading researchers, writers and activists who have contributed so much to the debates about -- and knowledge of -- how we can best care for and educate our most vulnerable, and how we must support families in this enormously important responsibility. 
Recent comments by Conservative MP Diane Finley have once again propelled child care into the public spotlight; sadly, they have also refueled a number of myths and misperceptions about the subject: who benefits, who uses it and how we should pay for it. To provide you with the best information there is about child care in Canada, we are making the entire issue of Beyond Child’s Play available for download. Read, enjoy, and pass this information on. 
